Alexandrite vs Pearl: Which Is The Best June Birthstone

· Birthstones

The alexandrite birthstone might be a new addition to the June birthstone list but it is giving tough competition to pearl. Both alexandrite and pearl are exciting gemstones that can spark your curiosity in a very short time. Let’s learn about the two gemstones one by one, and then you can decide which gemstone is the best June birthstone.

While alexandrite is a relatively modern discovery, first found in 1830, pearls have been calling the shots since antiquity. Therefore, because of the long history and adulation of pearls, let’s discuss them first.

Here are two popular June birthstones: Pearl and Alexandrite


Pearls are the only gemstones that can be found within living creatures. These gems can be found within both salt and freshwater mollusks. Unlike the alexandrite birthstone which is a relatively recent discovery, pearls have been used for decorating jewelry pieces since antiquity. These gemstones occur in different hues like yellow, orange, pink, blue, green and violet. Pearls also have light to dark tones.

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Pearls found in the freshwater species of mollusks are particularly associated with the Moon because of their beautiful shape and lustrous white color. If you also feel a special connection with the Moon then you can ditch the alexandrite birthstone and choose pearl as your birthstone.

Due to the shape of pearls, these gems also have other watery associations. For instance, some people believe that white pearls are nothing but tears shed by gods.


Alexandrites are rare and unique gems that were first discovered in 1830 in Russia. The rarity of these gems is an upshot of their formation. Alexandrite requires two elements for its formation: beryllium and chromium. However, beryllium and chromium seldom occur together in the same rocks or in geological conditions where they can have an impact on each other. And this is only the tip of the iceberg as regards the rarity of the alexandrite birthstone.

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Well, to call Alexandrites rare would be an understatement. Alexandrite’s lure lies in its rarity and uniqueness. The gemstone displays two different colors depending on the lighting conditions. Alexandrite takes on a bluish-green color in sunlight as opposed to its purplish-red color in incandescent light.

This change in color is the reason why people call Alexandrite the “emerald by day, ruby by night” gemstone. The color-changing property of the alexandrite birthstone makes it a powerful opponent against pearl, the traditional birthstone for June.

The color-changing quality and rarity of alexandrite set it apart from the other June birthstone, pearl. Apart from the rarity and color-changing property of alexandrite, the gemstone even outdoes pearls in terms of hardness and durability. While Pearl scores 2.5-3.0 on the Mohs scale of hardness, alexandrite scores an excellent 8.5.

Therefore, it’s evident that alexandrite is a much more durable gemstone compared to pearl. This durability benefits alexandrite in so many ways. People fashion this gemstone in a variety of jewelry pieces, from rings and earrings to pendants and bracelets.


So, it’s clear from the above-mentioned facts that the alexandrite birthstone wins the battle of the best June birthstone because of the gemstone’s beauty, color-changing property, and rarity. Though pearls are also beautiful colored gemstones, they aren’t durable enough to be fashioned in adornments meant for daily wear. So, when are you getting your June birthstone?