How Much Money To Spend On Emerald Wedding Rings

· Jewelry Guide
Emerald Wedding Ring

Emeralds are one of the most sought-after color gemstones around the world. Known for their breathtaking hues and magnetic color saturation, high-quality emeralds are a valuable possession worthy to pass down as a heirloom. But an excellent grade green emerald stone is not only about the vibrant color, vivid saturation, and eye clarity, it also comes with exceptional price.

So if you are a May-born looking for perfect emerald birthstone jewelry or wish to adorn your ring finger with a green emerald sparkler, we have listed down some factors governing the price of every piece of emerald jewelry you would buy.

4Cs of Quality Vs. Price of an Emerald

For a color gemstone like emerald, the most significant factor of the 4Cs is the color. An ideal green emerald stone that exhibits mild bluish-green hues with medium to dark tones and strong to vivid saturation levels will be the most expensive variety. For emeralds, clarity is not that big a factor since most of the gem-quality emeralds are heavily included which also makes them brittle.

Nonetheless, the stones that are of high clarity and contain the least number of inclusions are the highest in price. Opaque emeralds are often cut in cabochons while transparent ones are most commonly faceted in emerald cut, oval cut, and rectangular cut with top-edge facets. As for carat weight, as the per-carat weight increases so does the price of the stone.

Solitaire Emerald Wedding Ring

Being a Type III gemstone makes emeralds a heavily included gemstone. As such over 99% of the emeralds are treated in labs with resin or oil to fill the natural fractures and enhance the clarity of the stones. You would rarely find an emerald that is untreated especially when higher carats are involved. But one guaranteed thing is that untreated emeralds are almost 50% higher in price than treated emerald stones of similar color, carat weight, and size.

Emerald Source Vs. Price

The price of a gemstone is also determined by the location from which the stones have been sourced. In the case of emeralds, 90% of the high-quality stones come from Colombia followed by Zambia which is the second-biggest supplier of gem-quality emeralds among other reserves in the world. So obviously, the gems imported from these two locations command higher prices than the stones obtained from other sources.

Green Beryl & Emerald: Price

Both emerald & green beryl are actually a variety of beryl minerals only. What makes the two distinct is the color intensity and presence of trace elements. Even though green beryl offers less impurities than emeralds, both of them differ largely on the basis of their prices. Emeralds are more vividly saturated and are more popular than green beryl and thus command high prices when sold as gem quality.


If you wish to bring the best of gem-quality emeralds at home, you need to keep the above pointers on your checklist and make your choice wisely on the basis of how much you are willing to spend on your emerald jewelry. Whether you wish to go for a natural or synthetic variety of emeralds of different carat weights, GemsNY has got you covered. They have an aesthetic collection of green emerald stone jewelry including emerald wedding rings, bridal necklaces, bracelets, earrings, etc. for sale at exciting deals. Tune into their official website now!!!