What Makes Alexandrite Perfect Jewel For All Occasions?


· Alexandrite Rings
Halo Alexandrite Engagement Ring

Alexandrite is a relatively recent discovery in the gemstone world. The marvel of nature, alexandrite, belongs to the mineral chrysoberyl and it was discovered in the Ural Mountains, Russia, in 1834. Alexandrites are considered rarer than diamonds, making them a coveted gem among women for all occasions.

What’s most exciting about the marvelous gem, alexandrite, is its color-changing property when observed under different lighting conditions. Due to alexandrite’s color-changing property, the stone is also called ‘emerald by day and ruby by night. The stone appears bluish-green in daylight and reddish purple in incandescent light.

The rarity and impressive color-changing properties of alexandrite make it a unique gem that can be worn on any special occasion. It’s time to dig more to know what makes alexandrite a perfect jewel for all occasions.

1. Color-changing Property

If you love to add a fancy touch to your jewelry whenever you go to attend a special event, then alexandrite will do the magic for you. The stone will change colors constantly which will surely draw attention to your unique style statement. If you don’t want to bejewel yourself with heavy jewelry, then a beautiful natural alexandrite ring is enough to elevate your presence. A vintage alexandrite ring garnished with diamonds will surely add more charm to your character.

2. Adds Elegance To Your Outfit

The magical gemstone alexandrite displays a royal vibe that makes your jewelry special. Also, the appealing appearance of alexandrite gives you a confident look and adds elegance to your outfits. You can wear tanzanite jewelry not just on special occasions but also on casual days. If you’re buying it for your male friend, then choose a decent alexandrite mens ring design to get a ring that complements his personality.

3. Durable Gem

Is it durable? This is the utmost concern whenever we go shopping for a gemstone. But don’t worry! Alexandrite comes with a hardness of 8.5, making it a durable stone that can be worn with any type of jewelry setting. Whether you’re going to a party, wedding, or any special occasion, you can wear the alexandrite jewelry without any worry because of its durability.

4. Rarity

It’s a special occasion and you want to prettify yourself with something unique. Well, alexandrite is the rarest gem and it will make a perfect piece of jewelry for you to light up any event. You can take the idea of alexandrite’s rarity by the fact that one alexandrite is found for the mining of almost a hundred emeralds.

The aesthetically appealing shades of alexandrite will give exposure to your jewelry and capture the attention of everyone at the event. If you’re planning to attend a wedding, then an antique alexandrite engagement ring with an intricate design will add stars to your appearance.

5. Value

The scarcity and exceptional color-changing feature of alexandrite make it a valuable stone that will reflect through your jewelry. Alexandrites having closer shades to pure green and red tend to attract more prices in the gemstone market. Bluish green and brownish red shades of alexandrite are more likely to hold less value in comparison to the brighter shades. So, if you’re looking for a unique piece of jewel that you want to wear forever, then alexandrite is an ideal gem to go with.

Wrapping Up

The color-changing feature of alexandrite is no less than magic and it makes the stone compelling. Add stylish alexandrite jewelry to your collection to cover all your special occasions. You will be noticed for sure when you walk confidently wearing an exceptional piece of alexandrite jewelry.