Alexandrite Price: A Comprehensive Guide

· Gemstone Guide
Alexandrite Gemstones Keeping on Podium

Are you enchanted by the allure of Alexandrite, the striking birthstone of June? Perhaps you're considering adorning yourself with exquisite alexandrite jewelry but want to delve deeper into its worth. Look no further! In this guide, we will explore the world of alexandrite to discover its beauty, symbolism, and factors influencing its price. So, without wasting any time, let’s get started!

Exploring Alexandrite: A Gem of Dual Persona

Named after the Russian tsar Alexander II, alexandrite is cherished for its breathtaking color-changing properties. During daylight, it emanates a lush green hue reminiscent of emeralds, whereas, in artificial light, it transforms into a rich reddish-purple shade akin to rubies. This chameleon-like quality makes alexandrite a highly coveted gemstone among collectors and enthusiasts.

Symbolizing transformation and rejuvenation, alexandrite is often connected with adaptability and change, making it an ideal choice for those wanting to embrace life’s transitions. Being the birthstone of June, this gemstone also symbolizes health, vitality and prosperity, making alexandrite treasured among those born in this month.

Factors Influencing Alexandrite Price

Several key factors determine the price of alexandrite, making it a complex yet fascinating gemstone to evaluate. Let’s explore some of the most common ones.

Color Intensity

The vividness and clarity of the color change significantly impact Alexandrite's price. Stones with a strong and distinct color shift command higher prices. The rarity of certain color combinations such as a vibrant green transitioning to a vivid red, further enhances the gem's value.

Collectors and enthusiasts are particularly drawn to alexandrite variations that display an array of colors under different lighting conditions, showcasing the gem's mesmerizing optical properties. Besides, alexandrite with a consistent and uniform color change throughout the stone is highly prized for its aesthetic appeal and rarity in the market.

Clarity and Transparency

Just like any other gemstone, alexandrite's clarity and transparency play an important role in determining its worth. Stones with minimal inclusions and superior transparency are more desirable and fetch higher prices. Jewelers and buyers often seek alexandrite gemstones with lesser to no visible inclusions under magnification, as this indicates a higher level of purity and quality.

Furthermore, stones with exceptional transparency allow light to penetrate deeply, emphasizing the gem's color-changing abilities and maximizing its brilliance. Alexandrite with excellent clarity and transparency is coveted for its exceptional beauty and investment potential.

 Alexandrite Pendant Hanging on Podium and Bracelet keeping on podium

Cut and Carat Weight

The cut of an alexandrite gemstone not only elevates its aesthetics but also influences its price. Well-proportioned and meticulous cuts that maximize color saturation are prized. Gemstone artisans carefully craft alexandrite to optimize its color-changing properties, ensuring that each facet mirrors light in a way that highlights its unique hues.

Moreover, the precision of the cut can enhance the gem's overall brilliance, captivating the beholder with its mesmerizing sparkle. As for carat weight, larger alexandrite gems are immensely rare and command premium prices, especially when coupled with exceptional color, clarity, and cut.


Alexandrite, which is mined from renowned locales such as Russia or Brazil, often holds a premium price due to its historical significance and superior quality. Gemstones sourced from these regions are esteemed for their rich color saturation, remarkable clarity, and exceptional color-change phenomenon.

Moreover, alexandrite from specific mines within these countries, such as the Ural Mountains in Russia or Minas Gerais in Brazil, may fetch even higher prices due to their unique geological characteristics and limited availability. Discerning buyers value the provenance of alexandrite, recognizing the significance of its origin in determining its rarity and desirability in the market.

Navigating the Market: Alexandrite Price Range

The price of alexandrite can vary widely based on the aforementioned factors. Generally, high-end alexandrite can range from several hundred to several thousand dollars per carat. However, exceptionally rare counterparts with exceptional color, clarity, and size can demand prices in the tens of thousands per carat.

Investing in Alexandrite: A Sound Choice?

Given its scarcity and enduring allure, investing in alexandrite can be a wise decision for enthusiasts and investors with an eye for the extraordinary. While alexandrite may not enjoy the same mainstream popularity as diamonds or rubies, its rarity, and unique color-changing properties ensure its enduring appeal among discerning buyers.

Conclusion: Revel in the Splendor of Alexandrite

Alexandrite stands as a testament to nature's extraordinary artistry, captivating people with its mesmerizing color play and enduring elegance. Whether you are seeking the perfect birthstone jewelry or contemplating an investment in precious gemstones, understanding the nuances of alexandrite pricing is essential for making informed decisions.

So, what are you waiting for? Embrace the allure of alexandrite jewelry or loose gemstones from GemsNY and let their timeless beauty adorn your life with sophistication and splendor. Check out for inspiring deals and offers!